Tuesday, January 15, 2008

This week we have discussed our new Week 3 booklet (my fave!) and why resolutions don't work. We talked about what will motivate us in 2008 to success.

So, ditch the New Years Resolutions and Resolve to Find Solutions!

Make this your new mantra. Say it daily, hourly or minutely if you have to! I know, that isn't a word but it works! 2008 will be different as you are already working on your weight loss, so there is no need to resolve to lose weight. Let's work instead on why we continuously make resolutions, whether they work, and how to get to goal and lifetime.

Wow, that is a lot! Maybe we better tackle this in parts. Why do we continuously make new years resolutions? That is a different answer for many people. The main reason we make resoltutions is probably this: we want change. We are unhappy and want a more positive outcome. So, our resolutions tend to be created from negative. Ever heard the saying, "Positive in ='s positive out"? Well, the reverse is true. So, no wonder they typically don't work. A few of us have resolved to do something and have stuck it out! (Way to go Deane!)

Just because our resolutions have not lasted in the past does not mean the idea of resolutions is a bad thing. It is never a bad idea to change things up. It is never a bad idea to want to be better. It is never a bad idea to work harder. The key is to have the right goal(s) in mind, have a good idea how to reach them and the support to get you through the times you want to give up. Well, that is what WW is! So, here is a form to help you write a right resolution and also the Winning Outcome Tool for Living activity sheet to help you determine your appropriate goal.

Each New Years Eve, before midnight, I write the things I want to leave behind in the year. I release these in some manner, usually trash or burn. Then, after midnight I write down the things I want to foster and grow in the new year. I then bury these to grow them or put them in a box so I can look back from time to time to check my progress. This really does work. Give it a try!

Tuesday begins a whole new year with LOTS of potential for change and growth! What do you want and how are you going to get it? What hasn't been working for you? What do you need to do to get the weight loss goals you have been working so hard to get and haven't obtained? What is keeping you from your goals?

(Name)______________'s New Year's ResolutionIt's a new year for a new me! This year, I will ______________. I'm doing it for ______________, because I want to feel ______________. I want to look ______________. And I want to know that ______________. This is the year I'll make it happen.I know it won't be easy, but this is the year I'll overcome the things that have stopped me in the past, such as ______________, ______________, and ______________.This is the year I'll dedicate myself to my weight loss journey. I'll do whatever it takes to make it to my goal and stay there, including ______________, ______________, and ______________.I'm resolved, and I'm going to do it: This is the year I'm going to make my dream come true, my dream to ______________. This is the year!And, here is the Winning Outcome Tool for Living to help you on your way!

Winning Outcomes

Knowing what you really want is important when you're losing weight. In fact, setting a goal—the Winning Outcome—is a necessary first step toward making it happen.
Use our tips below to get started. Then review your Winning Outcome periodically to see if your goals have changed in any way; you can edit it at any time.

Create your own Winning Outcome.

Start by asking yourself what you really want. Remember to keep your Winning Outcome:

Positive: "I will get to my weight goal," not "I won't be heavy anymore."

Within your control: "I will achieve my weight goal by making healthy food choices" not "I will achieve my goal when my partner stops buying me candy."

Specific: "I will achieve my weight goal by keeping track of the food I eat."

A good fit with your life: Ask yourself: Does my Winning Outcome fit my life or the way I want my life to be?

Winning Outcome FAQ's
Q: When you're determining what you really want ...

A: Ask yourself, "What will that get me?" Be honest with yourself and clarify what you want. A specific, well-thought-out Winning Outcome will help you reach your weight-loss goal.

Q: Why does my Winning Outcome need to be stated in the positive?
A: If you state your Outcome in the negative, you'll be constantly reminding yourself what you don't want, and not necessarily what you do want. For example, if you tell yourself, "I don't want the couch there," that still doesn't tell you where you do want the couch. You'll arrive at your goal sooner if you stick with the positive.

Q: Why does my Winning Outcome need to be within my control?

A: If your Outcome relies on the actions of others, and "they" or "it" don't come through, you won't achieve it. For example, Robin knew she wanted to start exercising to support her weight-loss. The closest gym was over five miles away and Robin did not own a car. She would have had to rely on friends and family for rides to the gym. Therefore, the gym was not in her control. Instead Robin opted to invest in some inexpensive equipment to keep at home.

Q: Why does my Winning Outcome need to be specific?
A: Answering the who, what, when and how of what you want will help you later to know whether or not you've succeeded. For example, "I (who) will follow the plan (what) this week (when) to lose weight." Because your Outcome is so specific and clear, later on you'll be able to ask yourself, "Did I do that?" and answer, "Yes!"

Q: Why does my Winning Outcome need to be a good fit with my life?
A: Your Winning Outcome will bring about changes in your life—your relationships, your career, your family. You must ask yourself: "Will I have to give up any of the positives in my life that come with the way things are now?" Then, "Am I willing to do that?" If not, how can you modify your Winning Outcome so it does fit with the way your life is, and with the way you want it to be?

And, in closing, remember that it may be too late to change your beginning but never to late to rewrite your ending!

May you have a Happy Healthy New Year!

Leader Meg


P.S. Some of you have noticed the fact that the new Pointsfinder does not contain a zero. This has been disturbing to some. Here is the official answer from WW on this matter:Depending on what the food is, for instance if you double everything and the food comes out to 1, then above the line would be one half. Otherwise it could be zero. We are learning lifestyle change and better eating habits. Too often we try to “beat the system” and then wonder why we aren’t losing.

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