Tuesday, April 22, 2008


It is finally Tulip time! Every year, I see tulips come up through the ground and eventually grow tall enough to bloom and open up to the bright world. I am continuously amazed by this process, why I do not know. I have dug up bulbs and ‘stuck’ them back in the ground so many times that it is a wonder there is still any life left in them. Last fall, I went crazy and planted around 200 bulbs. I added crocuses to my spring perennials. They were beautiful and added some fleeting color and texture to the dreary backdrop of the early spring weather. I even planted bulbs that are unidentified at this point. What are they? I think dwarf irises but those have already bloomed. Ooh, they might be lilies. I hope so, but I guess I will know soon.

I find bulbs to be a great metaphor for the WW lifestyle. We have to plant ourselves in rich soil and work our way out. Some of us are buried deeper than others and thus we emerge a bit later in the season. Some of us are spring bulbs and some fall. No matter when we bloom, how long it takes to break through, or what season we find ourselves, we emerge strong and beautiful from our period of growth. We open up to the world as a result of our growth process. Our lives unfold just as the individual petals of the tulip. Should we need to go back in for a bit, there is always the option of a period of dormancy to become strong again for later. Our journey waxes and wanes, and that’s okay. There exists such variety in the colors and types of bulbs, and thus we see that in WW. We have many similarities, but yet so many differences. This does not separate us, but brings us closer and makes us more beautiful. We can subsist on our own, but just like flowers, when we come together the bouquet is even more vibrant and colorful than by ourselves.

What habit have you introduced this week? Have you re-committed yourself to WW? Are you out turning the soil and working in your yard? Remember, great activity points there! Are you buying in-season fruits and veggies and rediscovering a long lost food love?

Have you tried a new recipe, maybe an ethnic one? I recently made the Aromatic Couscous recipe from the Ultimate Flex & Core cookbook. Very Indian inspired. If you like curry, you will like this recipe. If you really like curry, I recommend upping the amount (I use 4 t and it still doesn’t have enough curry flavor for me). If you are not a curry fan, you could certainly use cumin instead. This is a very versatile dish and could certainly be changed up with what you have on hand. It could be served with your protein choice or eaten as the main entrĂ©e. I center my meal around this dish. You really do seem to get a lot in one serving. Since I am following Core, I only count .5 pt for the OJ in the recipe against my 35 WPAs. I just love how my house smells after making this dish!

Have you switched up your music in your iPod or MP3 player? I have discovered the library’s cd collection. I asked and you can actually have 125 cds checked out at once with IMCPL. I could have a whole new collection every 3 weeks! I import these cds in my computer, save the ones I want and then make new playlists for my iPod. I am getting “new” music to me and it is free. I have the liberty of changing my music any time I choose and I don’t get bored. Remember, if you make an exercise playlist to keep it upbeat. Brahms may not be the best choice!

If you have FitTV, I highly recommend Namaste Yoga. I recently dog-sat in Carmel (Yes I am available to dog-sit) and they are on Brighthouse. I am missing out being on Dish Network. FitTV is awesome! I loved Namaste Yoga as it was educational, instructive, and yet fun. It was quick and yet seemed to give me a work out. And I felt so relaxed afterwards. All the stress of the day seemed to release quickly from my mind and body.

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