…I have a secret for you. Mallow Run Winery. South on 37 from Indy just south of 144 (technically Bargersville). Closer than Oliver Winery, and I have to admit, better in my opinion.
ARPO (Alliance for Responsible Pet Ownership) had its annual Wine Tasting and Silent Auction Saturday at Mallow Run Winery. This was a lovely event and it was a lovely evening to hold such an event. The Silent Auction had loads of great items and all went for very little, actually. We need more for more competitive bids next year. So, keep checking in late next summer or early fall on the ARPO website, http://www.adoptarpo.org/ for details. The price is right and you get free food, beverages, and wine tasting.
Save some points for this as the wine at Mallow Run is delicious. As a former employee of a liquor and wine distributor, working in the wine division as an assistant, it was great to prove I still remembered some of what I learned those many moons ago. I asked first for a glass of the Cabernet Sauvignon. Delicious!!!!!! I then tasted a few others, and only disliked one. I figured with all the wine, food (mostly fruit and veggies) and the Nutri Grain bar I consumed on the way home, that I only used 15 pts. Not bad! And I truly enjoyed every last sip and morsel of those 15 pts. That was the best part. It has been a long time since I have gone out and truly enjoyed myself. I haggled a couple people that outbid me in the last couple minutes of the silent auction. I had great conversation with some of the volunteers of ARPO that I am just getting to know. I had fun tasting the wine (who wouldn’t?) and talking the finer points of the wine subtleties with some of the spouses. I dressed up and was even shocking to a volunteer when I walked up. That was fun. And I was flirted with when I stopped to get a pop on the way home!
Oh, and Mallow Run will be having its fall festival the weekend of October 11th & 12th! I have been told they are releasing their Shiraz, and that is to die for!
Have you taken the time for you lately and found something to do that truly is something you love? I can’t say I love going to wineries, but it may be on my list of fun things to do. What I learned, is that others see that I have been giving my time to the animals and not myself. And you know what, they are right. I am still going to be giving my time to the animals, one 5 week old rescued kitten at my house and getting a foster dog tomorrow evening, plus the Indy Feral cat outside and the other neighborhood cats I am trying to get into Indy Feral, and my kitties. But what I realized is that I HAVE to make time for myself. I can’t afford to go out and do a whole lot of stuff, as is the case with many of us these days. But, I can go out and do things. Some ideas include, free times at museums, going to parks for a walk with a friend or by myself, $5 Buck Club movies at Kerasotes theaters, sitting in Border’s reading, playing outside with the neighborhood kiddos, picnic with friends, apple picking at an orchard (I highly recommend Tuttle’s). With Autumn here, I believe I may be going to a park, at least once. I have visions of taking pen and paper and working on a novel I started a year or so ago! The key is to get out and enjoy life. What I discovered is that I have to make myself a priority and that is not selfish. My health and my happiness, and dare I say, my commitment to Weight Watchers depends on it.
So, I challenge you to make yourself a priority at least once this week, at least once each week. What will you do?
Maybe you could treat yourself to a hair ball! I know, you always thought I was a crazy cat lady and I just proved it. No, the Spay Neuter Services of Indiana is having its annual Hair Ball to raise funds to help spay and neuter the animals of Indiana. Only $15 will get you in the door, more if you wish to bid on silent auction items. This sounds like a blast. Kids under 16 are free. See below for details. I want to take a neighbor girl that has been helping me identify neighborhood cats to get fixed and who wants to be a vet someday. She has even rescued a kitty this month. But don’t tell her parents, they think I am feeding it and that it just hangs out at her house!
And yes, I am consumed by animal rescue work! But don’t worry, I am taking time for me this week!
We're all looking for deals these days and this event is worth every penny of the $15 ticket to get in!
Once inside: you will enjoy FREE food, beer, wine, soft drinks, activities for the children and live music.
116th St. & Ditch Road, Carmel, IN
Saturday, October 4 from 3 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
The event is a casual atmosphere with lots of laughter.
Everyone is welcome!
Registering is EASY - just click here:
Prevention is the Key
SNSI's mission is to reduce the overpopulation of companion animals through surgical fee assistance, humane education, and collaboration with other animal welfare groups. Visit SNSI's Web site at http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001EommArlhv1gw18iRoAwquub7upqD2BM4UYqrda_Oc_p9GQqTh9zBeqQoS4Kl0gQH0NmTdbt0bQ0YBVSDTe1VP7sfIjJ-CwSZ_9QtvMbD6Tz0WbG-xJhWecbWjpJ_z9aR
In loving memory of Hairy the Cat
The Hair Ball was started in 2005 by a group of friends who care about pet issues and wanted to give back to their community by hosting an afternoon of music, fabulous food and fun to raise funds for Spay Neuter surgeries. Visit the Hair Ball Web site at http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001EommArlhv1ivM2KHvAdqOFrjvvQBtF9PYS2hiepV5Us2w6fHXKxhzOZLxD4mFQ7tC36hmTqgPqMzlpXSvKyTKsY5os9wb2TF9IFx1TBi-bB7F9I3q05nPQ==
Click below to see the LONG list of the items available at auction. There is something for everyone! Over $25,000 in items!
Why Should You Attend?
The proceeds of this event will allow SNSI to continue to fund the surgeries that are essential in controlling our cat and dog population. The city of Indianapolis still euthanized 15,000 unwanted cats and dogs in 2007. There is obviously still work to do in order to lower this number and we need your help.
Ticket Sales
Advance sale tickets are still just $15 each ($20 day of event) and kids under 16 are admitted FREE.
Upgrade and join the "Snipper Society" with a $45 donation per adult ticket. This special level funds the cost of one complete spay/neuter surgery.
Purchase your tickets online (safe & secure) by clicking HERE: http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001EommArlhv1iqABRisK5F5eIh_TPVcOTIqQMFe6_3Eb4gBDmcRgRVGIjlJJKA6h3bLK-qIBGlYm0_wCh-c7fbZ-hf1s7wRKqNhONmdJrtZ0eFXObwhrFSLXOIsBZXupsSnRBlqeGE4XI=
Please spread the word about this event by forwarding this e-mail to the animal lovers in your circle of friends and family. Most importantly, though, we want to see you there, and time is running short! Submit your online registration today to guarantee your spot by clicking here. Pay for your tickets via PayPal -- then all you'll need to do is show up to "Party for the Animals" on October 4th!
What is a Silent Auction anyway?
Never been to one?
They are a blast and you can get some great deals!!! People donated items for us to auction off. There will be a starting bid price listed on the sheet of paper in front of the item. If you like the item, you write down your bidder number and your bid. Then someone else walks along and puts down a higher price...so you circle back and decide if you want to bid more or not. It is low pressure. People just wander the rows of tables. Though it does get exciting right before the bidding closes if 2 people are hoping to get the highest bid in on a special item!
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