Monday, October 26, 2009

Salad turnips, just for salads????????

Tonight I tried cooking the salad turnips I bought at the Farmers Market 9 days ago.  I wasn't sure how long they would last.  But, I figured I'd give it a go.  The greens were pretty wilted, so I didn't saute those.  I was told that they were great sliced in salads, not even peeled. 

I wasn't in the mood for a cold salad, so I decided to slice and saute them.

They got a little soft, but they were yummy.  Raw, they have a mild radish taste.  Cooked, that is much more mild.  I liked the flavor of the raw turnips, but I was also pleased with the mild flavor.

I sliced about 7 salad turnips and sauteed them in 2 t canola oil.  I added crushed black pepper, minced garlic, and a little salt.  I cooked on high heat until it started to brown and then cut the heat.


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