Friday, January 18, 2008

Great Breakfast recipe idea! NEW!!!!!!!

Hello all. This is a great recipe idea that made me speechless. Dont' know why I didn't think of it before. Thanks Kathy (Thursday At Work)!

Egg Muffins

6 eggs (real or Egg substitute)

6 T low fat cheddar cheese

6 T salsa

Place ingredients in a muffin pan and bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes. Keep in a baggie in the fridge. Reheat for 20 seconds in the microwave. Place on a 1 pt english muffin with a slice of 1 pt WW cheese for a yummy 5 pt sandwich (if made with real egg).

You can do lots of different combos with this. Veggies, other cheeses, sun dried tomatoes, herbs...the possibilities are endless. Kathy uses the silicone muffin pans with 6 cups.

3 pts. with real eggs

2 pts with egg substitute

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