Tuesday, April 22, 2008

PSA - You've heard me mention Squirrel...

...barf before, well here is the PSA about it. Hope this helps to curb your consumption of foods you want at a get together but don't want to count the points!

If you are wondering about it, it has squirrel barf in it. You see, squirrels are wily creatures, and they get into everything. If it was not in your sight from creation to completion, some squirrel got in it, barfed in it, and cackled a little squirrel cackle before running off.

WW.com message board

It is finally Tulip time! Every year, I see tulips come up through the ground and eventually grow tall enough to bloom and open up to the bright world. I am continuously amazed by this process, why I do not know. I have dug up bulbs and ‘stuck’ them back in the ground so many times that it is a wonder there is still any life left in them. Last fall, I went crazy and planted around 200 bulbs. I added crocuses to my spring perennials. They were beautiful and added some fleeting color and texture to the dreary backdrop of the early spring weather. I even planted bulbs that are unidentified at this point. What are they? I think dwarf irises but those have already bloomed. Ooh, they might be lilies. I hope so, but I guess I will know soon.

I find bulbs to be a great metaphor for the WW lifestyle. We have to plant ourselves in rich soil and work our way out. Some of us are buried deeper than others and thus we emerge a bit later in the season. Some of us are spring bulbs and some fall. No matter when we bloom, how long it takes to break through, or what season we find ourselves, we emerge strong and beautiful from our period of growth. We open up to the world as a result of our growth process. Our lives unfold just as the individual petals of the tulip. Should we need to go back in for a bit, there is always the option of a period of dormancy to become strong again for later. Our journey waxes and wanes, and that’s okay. There exists such variety in the colors and types of bulbs, and thus we see that in WW. We have many similarities, but yet so many differences. This does not separate us, but brings us closer and makes us more beautiful. We can subsist on our own, but just like flowers, when we come together the bouquet is even more vibrant and colorful than by ourselves.

What habit have you introduced this week? Have you re-committed yourself to WW? Are you out turning the soil and working in your yard? Remember, great activity points there! Are you buying in-season fruits and veggies and rediscovering a long lost food love?

Have you tried a new recipe, maybe an ethnic one? I recently made the Aromatic Couscous recipe from the Ultimate Flex & Core cookbook. Very Indian inspired. If you like curry, you will like this recipe. If you really like curry, I recommend upping the amount (I use 4 t and it still doesn’t have enough curry flavor for me). If you are not a curry fan, you could certainly use cumin instead. This is a very versatile dish and could certainly be changed up with what you have on hand. It could be served with your protein choice or eaten as the main entrĂ©e. I center my meal around this dish. You really do seem to get a lot in one serving. Since I am following Core, I only count .5 pt for the OJ in the recipe against my 35 WPAs. I just love how my house smells after making this dish!

Have you switched up your music in your iPod or MP3 player? I have discovered the library’s cd collection. I asked and you can actually have 125 cds checked out at once with IMCPL. I could have a whole new collection every 3 weeks! I import these cds in my computer, save the ones I want and then make new playlists for my iPod. I am getting “new” music to me and it is free. I have the liberty of changing my music any time I choose and I don’t get bored. Remember, if you make an exercise playlist to keep it upbeat. Brahms may not be the best choice!

If you have FitTV, I highly recommend Namaste Yoga. I recently dog-sat in Carmel (Yes I am available to dog-sit) and they are on Brighthouse. I am missing out being on Dish Network. FitTV is awesome! I loved Namaste Yoga as it was educational, instructive, and yet fun. It was quick and yet seemed to give me a work out. And I felt so relaxed afterwards. All the stress of the day seemed to release quickly from my mind and body.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

You are wondering what that number represents, aren’t you?

Is it the number of seconds in a day? No. (86,400)

The hours of music I have in my I-Tunes library? Nope. (currently around 90 hours but growing!)

The # of heartbeats the in a day for the average human? Nope. (~ 100,000)

Okay, I’ll give. It is the number of steps I logged on my pedometer yesterday. I started the Ready, Set, Walk! campaign initiated by Indiana’s First Lady Cheri Daniels. You can get more info through the link I posted last week. I started yesterday and I admit I didn’t go out for a “walk”. I have been worried that since I started a “desk” job that my steps would go down drastically. I walked a lot when I worked for WW. My steps averaged between 11,000-17,000. So, in that respect, 7,700 is not good. But since I do spend a lot of my day sitting and I didn’t exercise, I am happy. My goal, be up by at least 1,000 more per day next week.

I am solidly back on the Core plan. I had not been on the scale in a couple weeks as I had been unable to attend my Wednesday meeting due to schedule conflicts. I found the number yesterday morning to be a tad higher than I wanted, but I was in clothes and shoes. ; ) I must have just worn a lot yesterday!

Recently, I have realized how much easier it is to follow program when I make the effort to go to a meeting and be weighed by another person. I just can’t do this on my own. I have to have help. Several people in my new office surroundings are asking me for advice on how they can lose weight, since they know where I was formerly employed. I guess I may never stop being a leader. I am willing to help them but it is hard (mentally) to give advice when I am not really “doing” it myself. So, out of guilt (self-inflicted) I am back. I had begun to feel really guilty about the choices I was making. I was feeling tired and withdrawn. My clothes were getting tight and I noticed I had added a couple inches to my belly. These are all things that a former WW leader does not want to see happening. So, I decided that I would make a change.

I have been looking online lately for new recipes, tips, ideas, and resources. I have received a lot of information from the WW message boards. I have asked for help from some coworkers and from the board I frequent on www.weightwatchers.com. I have decided that I would buy the ingredients for one main dish at a time and make that up and package in individual containers to help control portions. I stocked up on produce and put it on eye level as to draw my eye when I open the fridge. I made a few hard boiled eggs for a quick protein snack. I purged my cabinets and fridge of non-core foods as to not have the temptations around. I started the walking challenge and am going to even go so far as to join a friend and her mini training buddy. From what she says, they walk the downtown canal twice for a total of 6 miles. Yowzers! I know I can do once around the first time and I will try two. And, I have been getting loads of house-cleaning activity points as I am finally getting a roommate later this month! Yay!!!!!!!!

Next comes the yard work points!

So, what are some positive things you are doing for you these days? Has your motivation waned a bit? Are you struggling to ramp up your activity routine? Are you getting bored with your food choices? Are meetings just another thing you have to do in your week? If you answered in the affirmative to any of the last 4 questions, I want you to answer them and then rephrase question 1 to say, “What are some positive things I can do to turn this around.”
I am including a link to the Indy Star article from today’s Healthy Living section. A WW employee was featured and there was a good article on eating healthy on a budget. I’d say a lot of us could use new ways to lower our food bills.

How to eat right on a budget

How to trim your food bill

So, in the spirit of Spring, I challenge you to not only clean your house. Clean your permanent residence by introducing a new habit, change, or rebirth of commitment to WW and a healthy life and healthier you. Can you do that? Will you do that?
I miss you all!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Success Stories from INShape Indiana website & a walking challenge


Danny is so cute! What a great inspiration from a 13 year old!

Here is the link for the new INShape Indiana Ready, Set, Walk! challenge that starts April 14th!
I'm registered and rearing to get started!


And, a great resource of common activities and what intensity level they are:


Friday, April 4, 2008


I would like to extend my thoughts and prayers to the King family and all those (everyone of us) that have been touched by the words and actions of the great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He truly was a visionary and a great soul that was taken from us long before his time. This world is a much stronger and united place because of his ideas and beliefs. He worked tirelessly for the less fortunate and displaced people in the African American society of the 60's. Work that has had great and wonderful ramifications for many others even to this day. I wish more people were willing to act as he did and work for their beliefs as he did. 40 years later, his words still impact us with great awe and amazement. What will we do in the next 40 years in honor of him?

In Memoriam: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

I don't know how to segway to this, so I am just going to delve right in.

I have been moving a lot of furniture this week and doing some extra cleaning in hopes I can impress a prospective roommate to move in with me. Like many, I need some extra dollars each month. I went to my parents to borrow their Dyson vacuum cleaner last night. I told my sister and her her boyfriend all that I had done since getting home from work. I arrived home at 5:30 and it was now 8:30. I had:

moved 2 mattresses (swapped my good one with the not so good one - from the second floor to the first floor - queen size, by MYSELF - one a pillowtop)

made both beds

did 2 loads of laundry


cleaned carpets

whisked the stairs and used the hand vacuum on that

brought in the trash bins - took out a bit of trash

fixed dinner

It seems as if it had been more. She and her boyfriend both said, "You've done all that since you got home from work?". I said yes. I struggled with the mattresses, mainly the one going up. There were several times I did not think I was going to get it up the stairs by myself. I grumbled a few times how I hate being single, as I am left to do all these things alone. Needless to say, my arms are pretty sore today. I even managed to get a blister on my right hand. I have no clue how or when I got this, but it shows I was WORKIN!

This got me to thinking. When one is lugging mattresses around and trying to avoid using unlady-like words, one thinks about as much as possible. Not that I would ever use any unlady-like words. ; ) I found a quote by Ghandi earlier this week when cleaning. He once said, "Strength comes not from physical capacity but from indominable will." Last night showed me that I do possess physical strength, although it could stand to be sharpened. What I realized about myself, is that when I set my mind to something, I am a fierce force to be reckoned with. The winds of change have hurricane force in my life, when I am driven. However, I can be as graceful about change as the first spring bulbs coming out of the ground into bloom. It is an internal force that drives my mind, will, and heart into swift action. I have had this many times in my journey to goal and unfortunately, right now, I need to find it again. I do have about 20 pounds to lose. I have been struggling with 20 pounds for a couple months now. I hate to say this, but since I'm not your leader anymore, I feel comfortable opening up about it.

I get frustrated with myself. I'll have several good to great days and then, BAM, one slip and I seem to be done for. I am so patient with others and their weight loss journeys, but not with my own. A quote by Helen Keller really hits home, "We could never learn to be brave and patient, if there were only joy in the world." I have struggled in so many ways in my life, small compared to the many struggles of others. But needless to say, I have had many challenges. I have struggled with weight issues, health issues that have required a couple major surgeries, and other little things along the way. So why do I let an office pitch-in sabotage me? (today - I gave in and had a 7 point bagel- not worth it) If I can count points and be at goal weight a week after having a spinal infusion and 4 days in the hospital, why does a small table of treats seem tempting? Why do I let myself cave? Is it not hurricane season? Darn, it isn't. Okay, Global warming, kick in and heat up some climate change in me.

So, what am I willing to do to do? I am willing to muster inner strength by focusing on my indominable will. I am willing to reach out to others when I am in need of help, moving mattresses or with my food choices. I am willing to accept that this will take time and that like many other great WW members I have had the priviledge of knowing, this will happen when it is supposed to and I will be so much stronger for going through all these struggles.

May you find your indominable will this week and beyond!
Here are a few extra things from the news this week --
Do we really need 8 glasses of water a day? Here is a link from Good Morning America this week ont he issue of water consumption
According to Hungry Girl, April is National Food Month - just try and eat good, healthy, nutritious foods, okay!
On an unrelated note; my Cousin Lorri Sankowsky was on WIBC talking about her new book on ghosts. The Ghost Hunters Guide to Indianapolis. Here is the link:
Here is the Amazon Link if you are interested
I have had a lot more paranormal activity in my home lately, so this is one thing I will be out buying this week.
I do not want to offend anyone by being political, but Monday is the last day to register to vote in the Primary. I do not care who you vote for, I just want to think about voting. If you want to vote and are not registered, please do so by Monday.
Here is the link for the voter registration form
A bit of explanation, this years Presidential race is making me realize and recapture my long lost love of politics and political science. I considered it a decade ago as a major, and I think I may go back to that. Please forgive me, this will be it. Okay, I will post a reminder in May before Primary and November before the General. You have been warned! ; )
Okay, back to WW.