Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Chipotle BBQ Tofu and Sesame Stirfry

I made this recipe for dinner tonight.  Mine doesn't have quite the delicious look that's on this website.  But it was pretty yummy.  A little too vinegarey for me, but pretty good.  Oh and it has some kick!

As a side, I made a "stirfry" of onion, garlic, carrot, cabbage, and broccoli with a 1/2T sesame oil and the juice of a small and somwhat dry orange. That was yummy and very much hit the spot!

And I served it on a 1/2 C brown rice.

Very yummy dinner and it felt good to cook something special for myself.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Baked oatmeal!

This is a yummy way to have oatmeal!  And not too bad on cals.  I made this in an eight loaf mini pan.  I baked for 20 minutes, could have gone a minute or two longer.


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

7 Foods the Health Experts Won't Eat


Happy Hanukkah!

I have received requests in the past for a way to lighten traditional Jewish foods.  Here is an idea to lighten your latkes!  : )
